Autumn Skin Care Tips

Autumn Skin Care Tips

Hello my darlings, how are you?
We're now in my favourite season of the year Autumn! This is my fave season for fashion, honestly autumn fashion is my thing!
I just wanted to give you a few tips on changing your skin care routine to adapt to the colder months.
So here's my Autumn top 5:
  1. This is chemical peel season! It's the best time to have these because of the healing in the cooler temperature and less sun exposure. SO if you haven't already get booked in! (text the clinic 07932402799)
  2. SPF 30+ EV-ERY-DAY! This is non compromisable, you all know how I feel about this. For anyone who doesn't, yes the suns UVB and UVA rays can still cause damage in autumn and winter.
  3. Upgrade your moisturiser - in autumn and winter its best to get a more richer moisturiser as the colder temperature will make our skin dryer quicker. Brown and black girls, our skin dries out at a much quicker rate than other ethnicities so if you can get a moisturiser with ceramides in, this will help control this. Also if you have the option to pick what mask you have in your facials girls, always pick ceramides in the cold seasons!
  4. Stay hydrated from the inside out. Drink your water my loves! 3-4 litres a day. During the colder months I have hot water and lemon in a metal cup with a straw I got from amazon. It makes me drink more water when drinking via a straw and the metal keeps the water hot!
  5. Lip Balm - Don't forget your lips need love too! Get a moisturising balm with hydrating elements in. I use Winnie Beau Gloss Balm, which is a lipgloss and lip balm in one. It has Shea Butter and Vitamin E in it and lasts so long on your lips.
I hope that helps.
Any questions, just email me!
Speak soon
Han xx
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